Результаты 1-7 из 7 по запросу Improved
...people in group aftermath ( proc ) improved soul fire ( conflict ) 2011 08 29 started working on firelands scripting. some work on why you can't leave combat ...effect ) units have combat animation improved proc interface warbringer works after relog gameobject quest givers are not crashing client corpses are not crashing the client gameobject ...
...effect ) units have combat animation improved proc interface warbringer works after relog gameobject quest givers are not crashing client corpses are not crashing the client gameobject ...200 guilds 2011 08 05 improved packet compression to detect optimal paramaters fixed taxi mvoing palyers to random locations fixed pvp score button when inside BG ...
2011 09 13 remade periodic heal combat log renew ( combat log ) Echo of Light( combat log ) Body and Soul ( proc ) Surge of Light( effect ) Glyph of Prayer of Healing( proc ) Blessed Resilience( proc ) Improved Serpent Sting( proc ) Master Marksmanship( remade visual client side ) remade aura mod stat PCT to be able to mod more ...
2011 09 12 shatter ( effect ) glyph of evocation heals 40% instead 60% of total health Incanter's Absorption( proc ) hot streak( not visible sometimes ) Piercing Chill( chill targets instead caster ) ring of frost ( castable at location ) fingers of frost ( adds 25% bonus to icelance, rest is not made ) Improved Death Strike( heal boost ) Sanguine Fortitude ( effect dmg reduce ) Unholy Command( proc ) Magic Suppression( effect ) Unholy Blig...
2011 10 03 you should be able to stack tinker enchants(enginier) with enchanter profession enchants updated stack rule of unique trinkets passive auras that change runes are resent on changing maps death strike ( can be modded by talents again and procs blood shield ) Rallying Cry( effect ) Deterrence ( silence caster ) Grounded Plasma Shield( effect ) 2011 09 29 fixed 2 crashes improved energy and focur regen client server sync precision by aprox 10...
...has 25 days CD fixed Improved Hamstring http://wowhead.com/spell=12668 after using this talent,it increases CD of all abilities to 25 days fixed ...