Главная » 2011 » Август » 31 » НОВЫЕ ФИКСЫ!!
14:01 НОВЫЕ ФИКСЫ!! | |
2011 08 30 - worldstates to show client side - player position update and aura list update for people in group - aftermath ( proc ) - improved soul fire ( conflict ) 2011 08 29 - started working on firelands scripting. - some work on why you can't leave combat rarely. Might need to revert this - some rare bugfix when mobs had more HP then shown client side - possible client deadlock fix when leaving raid group while in raid - removed all old world states, searching why client refuses to show world states - my typo of making players fall through GOs - more work on enchantments inheriting full SP from owner - a bit more advanced reasearch project generation. It is not saved on logout yet - Darkmoon Card of the Destruction set - Runescroll of Fortitude II - Volcanic Power cooldown - Earthen Armor cooldown - Invisibility cooldown - prowl is not saved on logout. - added around 5000 new fishing loots - respawned BWD elevator - removed achievement mounts from vendors 2011 08 19 - spawned Baradin Hold. Might need adjustments 2011 08 18 - holy power decay time is 10 sec from 2 sec - two forms ( worgen ) effect - harmony ( effect ) - dreadblade ( effect ) - sacred shield( proc ) - art of war( in creased ppm ) - vanish( effect ) - mending enchant( added ppm rule ) - spawned lost island - some work on custom item support - pls bump topics if it fixed professions related UI errors or made it worse - savage combat( rank2 proc ) - 2 crashfixes 2011 08 13 - spawned Zul'Aman heroic - spawned Zul'Gurub heroic 2011 08 12 - Blood Frenzy( proc ) - Revealing Strike( effect ) - recuperate( effect ) - units have combat animation - improved proc interface - warbringer works after relog - gameobject quest givers are not crashing client - corpses are not crashing the client - gameobject query updated - server can load db2 files - updated item extended costs - mobs exit combat if too far from target 2011 08 11 - Restless Blades - remade no reagent cost aura to avoid old exploit - firestarter( remade ) - inferno ( effect ) - ability for vendors to sell curency - unit movement interface upgrade - fel armor ( proc ) - shadowflame ( dot range ) - only 1 healthstone is created instead 45 - demonic circle teleport - deathcoil ( heal amt ) - random player bug of not being able to teleport 2011 08 10 - Insect Swarm,Moonfire,Sunfire generate eclipse energy - Solar beam target location - Feral Aggression stacks on target instead caster - Furor client server sync - added 250.000 loots - added 2000 creature templates, refreshed old 45000 - added 1000 creature quest starters - added 500 gameobject quest starters - added 14000 disenchant loots - added 15000 pickpocketing loots - added 500 new quest templates - added 8000 vendor items 2011 08 09 - fixed gamobjects crashing client - reading map makes proper emote animatiton ( priceless feature ![]() - double jumping does not DC players - client will show only your class trainer or profession trainer - added scripting interface for achievements 2011 08 08 - creature move packet spam fix - bugfix when one player triggered cooldown of other players - client crash when periodic heal aura was applied - disengage ( effect ) 2011 08 07 - reimplemented flying creature code 2011 08 06 - 25 day cooldown bugfix - rogue energy not regenerating bugfix - demonic circle does not freez client - action buttons randomly dissapearing bug - server crash on inspecting achievements - client crash on knockback spell effect - guild finder result list is limited to max 200 guilds 2011 08 05 - improved packet compression to detect optimal paramaters - fixed taxi mvoing palyers to random locations - fixed pvp score button when inside BG - BG timer ends with team specific animation - random chars not being able to login - guilds can decline guild finder invitations - compressed packets do not crash the client 2011 08 04 - fixed random crash after login - you can leave BGs .....long list of borring fixes related to already implemented features Report this post | |
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