2011 08 30
- worldstates to show client side
- player position update and aura list update for people in group
- aftermath ( proc )
- improved soul fire ( conflict )
2011 08 29
- started working on firelands scripting.
- some work on why you can't leave combat rarely. Might need to revert this
- some rare bugfix when mobs had more HP then shown client side
- possible client deadlock fix when leaving raid group while in raid
- removed all old world states, searching why client refuses to show world states
- my typo of making players fall through GOs
- more work on enchantments inheriting full SP from owner
- a bit more advanced reasearch project generation. It is not saved on logout yet
- Darkmoon Card of the Destruction set
- Runescroll of Fortitude II
- Volcanic Power cooldown
- Earthen Armor cooldown
- Invisibility cooldown
- prowl is not saved on logout.
- added around 5000 new fishing loots
- respawned BWD elevator
- removed achievement mounts from vendors
2011 08 19
- spawned Baradin Hold. Might need adjustments
2011 08 18
- holy power decay time is 10 sec from 2 sec
- two forms ( worgen ) effect
- harmony ( effect )
- dreadblade ( effect )
- sacred shield( proc )
- art of war( in creased ppm )
- vanish( effect )
- mending enchant( added ppm ru
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